How to Make Your Exhibition Stall Event Sustainable

Everything in the world that we use, after being used becomes a waste. This accumulation of trash is not just good for the environment but it also costs your bottom line too. Reducing event wastes is not a quick fix process, you need to collaborate with everyone around and her everyone involved makes them trust in your green plan, and only then, things will work for you.

Here are some tips that you may use:

  • Plan Ahead

Before the exhibition begins, take advantage of stand design communication and try to involve every other exhibitor. Create awareness about the need to have a sustainable and low waste event. You can also provide clear guidelines that will make the work simpler and easier for you.

  • Engage the visitors

The real success lies in how much extent can you engage the visitors. Make them aware of the fact that the wastes that they are disposing of are slowly degrading nature and what they should do to save nature. Give them the feeling of responsibility towards and you will see your brand making creating a buzz around the booth design for being so much dedicated towards nature.

  • Going Digital

Events are all about papers, handouts, and piles of worksheets and magazines left here and there. However, with today’s technology, it makes your work easier than ever. There are huge advantages of going digital with your exhibition stand, some of them like it reduces the carbon emission to a whole extent, it also reduces the paper needed for an exhibition and this reduces the trash generated from the booth design.  Moreover, in terms of finance and logistics, going digital is a great idea.

  • Making it a part of your Brand

By making the whole process a part of your brand, including the business partners and customers you will prove your brand to be one of the few ones who actually care about the world and is not just about making money.

Remember when you start a trend, others will follow. So plan consistently and work accordingly towards your goals.
Exhibition construction companies

What Do We Do?

SOL Brand Solutions is a branding and stall design company that designs and builds large-format exhibition stands. We offer a wide selection of exhibition stands, including custom right exhibition stands, portable modular display stands for conventions and conferences, and promotions and activation kits. With offices in Asia, USA, and Europe, we can serve you anywhere in the world with a complex stall design to the activation and promotion display kits.

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SOL Brand Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Phone No: 022-46051520

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Marine Lines, Mumbai: 400002, India

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